
Showing posts from September, 2017

Re-treat yourself to a fresh start with Dreevay Tours

I spent an awesome two days last weekend with a group of fabulous women. We were on a retreat @ Carmel Retreat Center in North Georgia .  A retreat is both an experience and a place. It’s a time to recharge, and become re-energized. Our problems do not magically disappear while we are away on retreat, but this time away seems to somehow help us to deal a little better with these problems. I have been going on retreats all my adult life, and one of my favorite retreat locations is the Abbey at Mount Saint Benedict, in Trinidad. It is situated at the top of a mountain in the North West of the island. The route to the Monastery is up a long and winding road, but once you get to the top, the view is worth the drive. If you are not up to driving, a shuttle service is available.  Most people do a visit for one day, or maybe even half a day.  In addition to the church, there is a guest house, a gift shop and a small cafeteria. When I do visit, I like to pack a

The Start to a new adventure

Basking in the Nylon Pool, Tobago The Nylon Pool in Tobago, is one of the wonders of the world. The Pool is an area of  crystal clear water about one half of a mile in diameter and about 3 meters deep, which sits in  the middle of the ocean. Join me on my Winter Tour to Trinidad and Tobago and experience this phenomenon. Tour Date: December 14th, 2017