
Showing posts from January, 2018

Island Winter Vacation -- Dreevay Tours

Sunny skies, with temperatures in the mid- eighties, sandy beaches, and  warm friendly people. Great  sumptuous meals is but an added bonus. Trinidad and Tobago, the twin island Republic is well known for its Carnival, but there is much more to these islands. I spent a few days in Tobago, which is quieter in contrast to the business of the sister island, Trinidad. A popular early morning activity Tobago is ‘pulling seine’. Fishermen go out into the sea in the early hours of the morning, around 5am to cast their nets, than a couple of hours later they haul in the catch. Some days the catch can be pretty large, but there are days when it is barely enough for one meal . Everyone shares in the haul. Taking a hold of the rope, which feels like you are in a tug-a-war, will guarantee you a share in the days catch. Even the seagulls get their share. The catch on this day was small, but there was such a feeling of gratitude among the fishermen. I am reminded of the