
Showing posts from October, 2017

More from Helen with Dreevay Tours

Getting ready for another beautiful weekend in my neck of the woods. It’s time again to hit the outdoors. My last visit to Helen Ga was so good, I am seriously considering a visit again this coming Sunday. Saturday would be great as well, though there is the possibility of rain. Sunday, on the other hand, looks great!  Harbersham Winery in Helen GA One of my favorite stops in  a trip to North Georgia is the Habersham Winery. I  try to limit my wine tasting, whenever I am the designated driver. My favorite wine is the White Muscadine. There are also lots of other interesting things to purchase @ the Winery, and  after all that shopping, an impromptu picnic in the gazebo can be very relaxing. The Island woman  in me is always drawn to  water, but I decide against go tubing , as the water was a bit cold. I could not help wishing that I was at one of the beautiful beaches in Trinidad and Tobago. Maracas Bay There are so many to choose from, but

Visit to Helen, Georgia Fall 2017-Dreevaytours

Flowers and Music lift our moods. {The Poui tree in bloom in Trinidad} These past few weeks we have been inundated with the news of massive destruction and so many lives lost, from hurricanes in Texas, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean, earthquakes in Mexico, wild fires in California, and mudslides in Sierra Leone. I addition we are bombarded with wars and rumors of wars.  It was time to move away from the TV and hit the outdoors. {Fall foliage in Helen, Ga}  Last Saturday with this in mind, together with a couple of friends, I headed to Octoberfest in Helen, North Georgia. The weather was beautiful, with the leaves of the tress changing, and the diversity of  the people revealing all of God's creation in their absolute beauty.   I was particularly drawn to a young man in his mid-twenties with no feet, probably as a result of a congenital deformity. He was dancing with complete abandonment, and of course it helped that he knew all the steps, be it the Electric